Teachers & Staff

Principal's Notes

Teachers Dedicate Their Life To Providing Good Education

Our teachers, esteemed for their unwavering commitment, tirelessly invest their time, energy, and expertise in cultivating an environment of learning excellence, where students are encouraged to explore, discover, and thrive under their compassionate guidance.

Ilan Simanjuntak, S.Pd.

Good Education Starts From Great Teachers

Our teachers, revered for their unwavering dedication, lay the cornerstone of good education. Their passion ignites the flame of curiosity, guiding students towards a path of lifelong learning and empowerment.

Nursinta SItumorang, S.Pd.

Junior High School Principal

Daniel Simbolon


Dewi L. Pasaribu, S.Si.,Gr.

Vice Principal (Senior High School) - Curriculum

Rita Sidabutar, S.Si.

Vice Principal (Junior High School) - Curriculum

Devinta Y. Simbolon, S.Pd.

Vice Principal (Senior High School) - Studentship

Cherly Pane, S.Pd., Gr.

Vice Principal (Junior High School) - Studentship

Dra. M. Panjaitan, MM.

Science & Chemistry Teacher (Senior High School)

Lasyani Pandiangan, S.Pd.

Mathematics Teacher & Head of Library Administration

Jeriko Simbolon, SE., MM.

Economics Teacher (Senior High School)

E. Hutauruk, MA.

Mathematics Teacher (Senior High School)

Ariyani, S.Pd.

Indonesian Language Teacher (Senior High School)

Junita Manurung, S.Kom., MM.

Computer Science Teacher (Senior and Jurnior High School)

Dewi Sulistyarini, S.Pd., MA.Ed.

Mandatory Math Teacher

Hendika Simbolon, S.Fil.

Religious Teacher & Chaplain

Gabriella Manik, S.Pd.

Arts & Culture Teacher

Euis Siti Aisah, S.Pd.

Sundanese Language Teacher

Dinda Lucana, S.Pd.

Sundanese Language Teacher

Muhamad, S.Pd.

Physical Education & Health Teacher

Silvia Caroline Juanda, S.S

Japanese Language Teacher

We Believe That Education Is An Important Aspect In Every Person’s Life

Molestie odio inceptos adipiscing dui dictum. Sodales aptent hac tristique integer nullam in vestibulum. Hac feugiat placerat laoreet fames pharetra pede imperdiet sodales in.

George D. Coffey Jakarta

Molestie odio inceptos adipiscing dui dictum. Sodales aptent hac tristique integer nullam in vestibulum. Hac feugiat placerat laoreet fames pharetra pede imperdiet sodales in.

Valorie A. Woods Bandung

Molestie odio inceptos adipiscing dui dictum. Sodales aptent hac tristique integer nullam in vestibulum. Hac feugiat placerat laoreet fames pharetra pede imperdiet sodales in.

Harold K. Grimm Semarang

F. A. Q

Frequently Asked Questions

our most frequently asked question, please feel free to contact us if you still have another question.

PACIM offers the following grade level and program:

- Elementary (Grade 1 - 6)
- Middle (Grade 7 - 9)
- High School (Grade 10 - 12)

The grade requirement as of July 1 of the year of enrollment:

Elementary Grade 1 is 6 years old

Velit sociosqu purus enim pharetra sed sem at iaculis. Felis ridiculus adipiscing dignissim eros pellentesque mus vitae litora. Felis nullam tortor phasellus viverra ut arcu. Euismod magnis ante convallis vulputate odio augue sit pretium dapibus.

Velit sociosqu purus enim pharetra sed sem at iaculis. Felis ridiculus adipiscing dignissim eros pellentesque mus vitae litora. Felis nullam tortor phasellus viverra ut arcu. Euismod magnis ante convallis vulputate odio augue sit pretium dapibus.

You can enroll online at: https://pacim.sch.id/admission/ or come and visit the admission office on:

  1. Sunday & holidays               10:00A.M. – 4:00P.M.
  2. Monday-Friday                     08:00A.M. – 4:30P.M.

You can contact PACIM Admin 022-6010612 or by email [email protected]

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